A word about Easter
A word about Easter.
The Czechs are not an overly religious people. As a matter of fact, they are hardly religious at all. Ironically, there are beautiful old churches all over the city, remnants of the
Allow me to give you a brief summary of key events in the history of religion here, in ebonics:
Ahh-ite denz. Firss days was Celts all up in niss piece. Denz like sumpin roun da sit senchuree dem Slav muhfukkuz dropped all down hur an said ‘Iss piece izz sum shit an wut not’, and the peeps said ‘Word up!’. Deez Slav bitches wuz pagan, fo reel doe.
Time rolled out for uh while. Den in ate-sitty-tree, when this bitch wuz all up inst da Great Moravian Empire, iss niggah Rastislav brot up eez two Byzantine bitches dat sprayed iss piece wit all kinds uh Christian gospel.
By diss time da Great Moravian Empire got they bitch asses dismantled. Sum bruthuh named Borivoj (
Christianity got dey swole on tru da forteemph senchuree. Muhfukkuz wuz lorge.
Den, iss muhfukkuh kawld
Da x-uhkyooshun, an duh fakt dat dem Catholic bitches wuz all persuhkyootin an opressin thuh Hussites, made Hus’ peeps say, ‘Mayn, HAYULL naw’, an rise up an get they rampage on in 1415. See,
See shit wuz about to get awl fucked up kuz awl da Czech kangs wuz Catholic like uh muthuhfukkuh, an duh peeps haint cool widdit so much.
Nigguz wuz gettin pissed at duh stayt of ufferz. So iss gangsta Jan Zelivsky scooped up on his posse an deeyid wut dey kawld uh throw-out or ‘Defenestration’, which meenz ‘from the window’ if yooz bein all littural. Eez niggaz rolled strayt up inst new town hall an trew uh kuppul uh Catholic bitches strayt out thuh window. Fresh err an shit. Dat wooddint be nuffin sep deyz wuz dee udduh haff da gang outsyde da window wit pointed stix fo doze Catholic bitches to land all down up onst. True dat.
Eez Hussites thot deyz all bad an wutnot cuz dey finally got deyz only kang, Jiri z Podebrad (
Da Catholics wuz rollin tizzolerant of Prodestant shit and dint see dat Prodestants wuz getting dey swole on an shit.
Prodestants, OUT. Fo now.
Shit went on, and with
In 1918, after da fawl uh
A massiv world posse kawld thuh Allied Forces broke sum shit off in
Come 1989 and shit came strayt to a point. Da Czechs strayt stepped to
From herr on out sit wuz cool an da Czechs are, fo real doe, agnostic. Dey beleev in wut deyz wuntz annatz da strayt troof. Word.
Thank you.
Now back to my easter thing. Being basically agnostic, easter is not celebrated for it’s religious traditions as much as it is a celebration of men being able to weave the most elaborate braided ‘switches’ -Far more elaborate than the ones used to reprimand me when I was growing up. I mean when it came time to lay into my butt, mom was all business, no frills- and then go about the town and spank all of the women on their butts with them. If I have read correctly, this is rooted in some kind of fertility rite where men are wishing fertility on the women. I laughed at this. What it basically boils down to is this: Grab some switches, braid them, tie a ribbon on the end, and go around the town looking for any and every girls butt you can whip. If you are old enough, throw in between 1 to 12 half liters of beer and the occasional shot of homemade liquor (usually slivovice, which is like gasoline made from plums) and through your numbed senses really whip the hell out of some butts leaving welps and bruises. I have no idea why all of the women don’t plan some kind of mass trip to some place else for this time of year. Must be masochists. I got to spank 2 butts myself. It was fun. I was nice, cause I don’t drink. But boy if I did, Hanka would have trouble sitting to this day.
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